The cult jazz club reopened its doors



Author: Matina Tenžera

It is located in Teslina Street, and it will only work for a week, so don't think twice

Zagreb's cultural institution, BP Club, briefly reopened its doors . 11 years after the cessation of work, the cult jazz club in Teslina 7 appeared in a completely new edition as the pop-up vinyl shop JJ's Record Store. Under the auspices of John Jameson, JJ's Record Store brought a perfect combination of quality music and even better drinks to the center of Zagreb, thus becoming an unavoidable location for evening socializing in good style.

JJ's Record Store is open from May 7 to 14 , from 7 pm at Teslina 7. Due to limited space, you need to register via Entria and choose one of the dates offered. Admission is free.