Fun details from Advent in Zagreb



Author: Matina Tenžera

We visited all Advent locations and highlighted the key advantages of each one

In Croatia, Advent is being held in more than 30 cities this year. From the smallest and most modest to the largest and most flamboyant. There are ten Advent locations available in Zagreb alone. And in those ten, as in every market match – details make the difference. We visited all Advent locations and found one or two interesting things at each one that might slip under your radar. Especially if you go to Advent at the same time as hundreds of other visitors. This is your lucky day because when you start the Advent frenzy – at least you will know what you are looking for.

fooling around photo corner


This location is the alpha and omega of Advent. There is no visitor who does not pass through it. The lights are lit there at the official start of Advent, and this location is on the route to other Advent parts of the city.

Now, what is the first thing you see when you visit Zrinjevac in winter? A bunch of houses where artisans sell their handicrafts. The traffic jam that is created there is enough to encourage you to break through it as soon as possible and reach the pavilion around which there are people offering coffee and booze. But wait. Don't rush. In the sea of all valuable crafts, this year there is a new cat in town with an offer that will sound very familiar.

small zagreb souvenir dolac

Do you remember Little Zagreb, which we diligently reported on in the past years ? Well, director and artist Filip Filković Philatz turned that "Little Zagreb" into souvenirs that you can buy right in Zrinjevac. Keep your eyes open because these truly exclusive souvenirs are hidden in the mass of other souvenirs sold at the same booth. We'll make it easy for you – the house you're looking for is called Grandma's Magic.

small zagreb souvenirs zrinjevac

Okay, let's make our way to the food and drink booths. Lucky for you, this is the location where you can taste the only real fritters. In recent years, we have eaten so many of them that with each portion our despair grew greater and greater. This year we finally found fritters like our mothers and grandmothers used to make . At the house with the lascivious name Sugar Daddy, you will find fritters for which the mixture is not bought but ready-made and where real chocolate topping is cooked instead of melted chocolate spreads. And yes, rum is added to these fritters, and lemon zest is grated. Fritula is this, as one might say – as it is called. We want to share our delight with the only real fritters on the whole of Advent, and we are therefore giving you two servings to the most creative fritter lovers .