The most bizarre party of the year is being prepared

Author: Matina Tenžera

Truly, we tell you, a story like this happens once in a hundred years

If you follow the events at Medika, you have probably noticed that on June 17th, the ” Hundredth shirt party ” will take place. But if you know what a party shirt is, then this news will make you quite happy. Namely, it happens only once in a lifetime that a party shirt organizes the hundredth party. It is a bizarre project initiated by versatile party leader and marketer whose identity still remains hidden.

We were number 81

On our Instagram profile, we follow the adventures of a piece of clothing that is worn from party to party for weeks. The idea is that as many people as possible wear the same shirt at various club events. It was worn by ordinary partygoers, but also by famous musicians. The party shirt even made it to the covers of tabloids, on festive occasions, and even outside the borders of Lijepa Naša.

And then we got an offer to become a part of this micro club history. Let’s wear a party shirt to her 81st party. We were just at the Communications Days. The first night she was carried by another person. The second night it was our turn.

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We were told by the party member who ceremoniously handed us the party shirt that he was worried about something happening to her. So he and his team carried her for part of the evening, took photos and videos, and then stored her safely and continued with the night’s entertainment. You will admit, the range of emotions and reactions that the most ordinary piece of second-hand clothing evokes in people is charming.

To begin with, we must mention that the party shirt has one superpower, and that is that it looks magnificent on everyone . Regardless of whether you wear it unbuttoned, partially unbuttoned or buttoned up to the neck. We didn’t bother to destroy the shirt, water it, set it on fire, lose it. We were under pressure to experience the best evening of our lives. The excitement and trepidation were all the greater because the impression was that you have to have crazy fun to respect the wit and bizarreness of this project. Along with it, we also received a small digital photo with which we were supposed to document our time.

And of course what usually happens when you have high expectations happened

– everything went wrong.

To begin with, on the first night at the Days of Communications, all the visitors had a blast partying and stayed at home the next day. Furthermore, a good number of people headed for Zagreb after the awarding of media awards, and before the final party. And then the fact that those who did come to the party on the second night were quite sleepy. So it turned out that the party shirt did a mediocre 81st party with us.

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Nevertheless, it was a great honor to walk through the Lone hotel in such a floral legend, and the real opulence awaits you in Medika on June 17, where selected (and decent) photos that the team documented while wearing it will be exhibited. After this 100th party, sources tell us that the party shirt will perhaps come to life as a small music festival, bringing together a motley crew once a year. Some add, it will also become a museum exhibit.

Even if it doesn’t turn out to be any of that, it’s commendable that there are such fun initiatives that people who are totally unrelated to each other are happy to respond to. All with the same goal – to have a good time and for the party shirt to live forever .