Dogs get their own festival



Author: Matina Tenžera

Food manufacturers, pet shops, veterinarians, shelters, trainers, groomers, "confectioneries" for dogs, hotels for dogs and other lovers of the dog world will be found in one place.

Zagreb's favorite green "promenade" for dogs, Trg Dr. Franje Tuđman, will turn into something much bigger and more fun for the sweetest of noses on October 7 and 8 . The Festival of Dogs of All Breeds is preparing a two-day gathering, fun and educational event with a very important message and goal – adopting animals.

Under the general patronage of the ZOOCITY brand, four-legged pets and their owners will be welcomed by a large 100m2 training ground where dog trainers will do exercises and training with dogs, as well as numerous activities and facilities such as the "grooming" zone and photo corners that no one will be immune to.

You can adopt a dog

The first such festival in Zagreb is preparing numerous surprises for visitors, and numerous brands and manufacturers will present their products – from food and nutritional supplements for dogs to hygiene items and inevitable accessories, but the biggest focus will be on the exhibition positions of associations that promote adoption. The dogs that are currently being cared for by volunteers will be looking for their "forever home" at this two-day event, so all those who do not yet have a pet and have been thinking about it for a long time are definitely welcome at the popular Tuđmanac. You can support the project by just coming and talking about the humane act of rescuing abandoned animals, and passers-by who just love being in the company of dogs will be greeted by a large food court as the main place to socialize with DJ performances.

On the stage itself, in the central part of the space, presentations and workshops will be held during the day . Professionals will show everyone interested how to properly take care of their dog's teeth, hair and nails, how to make homemade dog cookies, how to teach a dog tricks and much more. How to choose a custom dog? What are the new approaches in dog nutrition? How to raise them, why to adopt a dog and how they affect the development of a child – these are just some of the questions that will be answered on this autumn weekend dedicated to all muzzles, and not to remain only on serious topics, a special entertainment program has been designed, more precisely a selection for the happiest dog and a dexterity competition.

Food manufacturers, pet shops, veterinarians, shelters, trainers, groomers, "patisseries" for dogs, hotels for dogs and other lovers of the dog world will be found in one place. To all animal lovers, future dog owners, as well as children, dogs say "wow wow, see you"!