Zvonimir Milčec Park


Zvonimir Milčec Park is a park located on the east side of Trešnjevački Square, in the triangle between Tratinska Street, Vukovar City Street and Nova cesta, and next to which, on the east side, is the Ina gas station.

It is not known when the park was arranged, but according to all information it is one of the three oldest arranged park areas in the Trešnjevka area (together with the park in front of the old Samobor station and the park in the First Croatian Savings Bank near Zorkovačka Street). The children's playground on the square was most likely arranged in the late 1940s and early 1950s, and since then it has not been arranged until the end of 2013, when it was fenced off, and the entire park underwent a general refurbishment. The park was named after Zvonimir Milčec, a well-known writer and Zagreb chronicler, on November 22, 2014, after the renovation of it was completed.

The very act of renaming was accompanied by public discussions because most citizens thought it would be more correct if a street, square or park in Bukovac, with which he was closely associated, bore his name, than in Trešnjevka.

During the 80's and 90's the park was primarily a meeting place for visitors to the nearby market, tired shoppers, people from the margins of society and law, tram waiting (at a time when the tram stop in the direction of the city was located next to the park, opposite the NaMe building). children and parents, precisely because of such a society, were only rare guests. By arranging the park, it is expected that it will be returned to children and people who want a vacation in a pleasant renovated environment.

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Zvonimir Milčec Park

Trešnjevački trg 1

created by


Matina Tenžera

Tel: 0917361510

E-mail: info@divan.hr