The newest Advent location is a hidden courtyard in the heart of Zagreb



Author: Matina Tenžera

It is a newly opened bar that has been talked about a lot in recent months

A new Advent location is coming to Zagreb this winter! Before we explain what it is about, we have to put a disclaimer – this is not a location that was created solely because of Advent. It is a bar that opened its doors this summer and will be open 365 days a year. We were the first to write about it , and since its opening we have been following its development month by month.

Until the official start of Advent, this place is called Pri Nami, and somewhere when the holiday frenzy starts in the city, we will add the epithet – a new Advent location.

The initiators of the whole story are hardened restaurateur Marin Levaj and his caring business colleague, actor Šiško Horvat Majcan . For the past few years, you could find them at Advent in Zagreb in the Lako Tako house located in Zrinjevac. However, this year there is no need to search for the house that regularly gathered visitors until the last minute before closing because the guys have redirected their efforts to Pri Nami.

A well-rounded gastronomic offer

This is the place where they will open two "floors" this winter. The bar will offer a more traditional part of the Advent menu – sausages, fritters, Asian fusion dishes , but also the famous tacos in several flavors , which, after all, made them famous at previous editions of Advent in Zagreb. Nota bene, from 2024 tacos will become a standard part of the offer of their Pri Nami bar, which we are very much looking forward to. In addition to the expected Advent dishes, you won't miss warm dishes on a spoon, such as wine goulash, chilli con carne and brudeto on Fridays.

In addition to the bar, the open-air terrace will be occupied by a house serving the only brewed rosé in the city, as well as numerous brandies, some of which you could taste at this year's premier edition of ZGrappa – the international brandy and liqueur festival.

If this is not the sweetest news on the eve of this year's Advent, it is nothing. We will bring you the latest details as soon as we know them.

In any case, you can no longer say you didn't know. See you at the new Advent location – Pri Namiju!