NIGHT OF THE MUSEUM 2023: Programs you can visit



Author: Matina Tenžera

The theme of this year's museum event is called Museums are important, and on Friday, January 27, visitors will be able to view numerous exhibitions for free or at a reduced price.

Even though this year a few of the visited Zagreb galleries and museums are participating in the most famous cultural night of the year only in digital form, you will be happy to know that you still have at least ten options. In fact, there are a few more, but we singled out ten of this year's participants who have interesting special programs or exhibitions that would be a real shame to miss. When they already offer free entry or a cheaper ticket price!


hangover museum

If you missed the information that the Hangover Museum moved to a new address in a larger space, now you know. And on Friday, January 27, you can get a 30 percent discount on ticket purchases until midnight. And not only that, but after midnight, when all city museums and galleries stop working, continue partying at the Hangover Museum . The number of tickets for this museum party is limited, and there are still places available.


archaeological museum

The archaeological museum is one of those that suffered considerable damage in the earthquakes of three years ago. However, on the occasion of Museum Night, you can see exhibitions in the decorated part of the building in the museum itself, and in the AMZ Gallery at Hatzova 6 , a great Bestiarium Antiquum exhibition. Those who liked the previous archeology exhibitions in this chamber gallery will certainly not be disappointed. The main link – animals in ancient times – wild, domestic, cute, vicious, and two or four legs…


Maria Juric Zagorka's memorial apartment

The memorial apartment of Marija Jurić Zagorka at Dolac 8 is joining the Night of the Museum this year and is opening its doors to visitors on January 27, 2020, from 6 to 10 p.m.

With costumed professional guidance through the permanent exhibition, visitors will be able to learn a lot of interesting facts and information about Zagorka's private life, writing career, activist and feminist work, world-renowned engagement in political journalism, as well as programs carried out by the Center for Women's Studies in this memorial space. . Groups of about 20 people will enter every 10-15 minutes.

Since this year marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of Marija Jurić Zagorka, the organizers will reward one lucky visitor. Upon entering the apartment, all visitors will receive a few questions that they must answer if they want to participate in the "Zagorka awards" prize game. There will also be a box in the apartment where they will put the paper with the answers, and the lucky winner will be drawn on Monday.


18:00 – 22:00 h Professional guidance through the permanent exhibition

18:00 – 22:00 h "Zagorka rewards"