Archived: Silent Night

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16.12.2021 / 19:00 - 18.12.2021 / 20:00


The play Silent Night by Steven Berkoff, directed by Matko Raguž and performed by Franjo Dijak, is again on the schedule of EXIT Studio. It is a play about the hidden side of Christmas, the side that is rarely talked about in public – fake relationships, forced socializing, false sense of popularity, but also excessive feelings of worthlessness experienced by those who have no family, who are impoverished or simply withdrawn. .

While Christmas is associated with warmth, love, companionship, celebration and joy, the play Silent Night speaks of loneliness, non-belonging and sad joy felt by a large number of people. The rumor around Christmas imposes imperatives – you have to be popular, you have to hang out, you have to celebrate, you have to be with someone. And while some people don't really enjoy it, some people, due to personality or circumstances, don't have the opportunity to participate in the (false or sincere) spirit of Christmas.

Bruno is one of those who has no one to celebrate Christmas with, one of those stranded by life on a deserted shore and who tackles his situation in his own way. Franjo Dijak was nominated for this year's Croatian Acting Award for Best Actor for his role as Bruno in the play Silent Night.

Tickets for all performances are available online , at the box office of the EXIT Theater on 16, 17 and 18.12. from 6 pm to 8 pm and one hour before the start of the performance at the EXIT Studio box office in Gundulićeva 37/1.

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Teatar Exit

Tel: 01 3704 – 120
