Archived: Oh, Croats!


44. Days of satire of Fadil Hadžić

The Fadil Hadžić Days of Satire Festival is an international festival of the Kerempuh Satirical Theater , held every year in June since 1976, with the aim of promoting quality performances of satirical and comedy prose and, above all, confronting the audience with burning problems of our everyday life through inevitable elements of humor and satire. thus ennobling not only the cultural life but also the social consciousness and personal growth of the individual. Fadil Hadžić Days of Satire every year remind us of the importance of humor and satire that make us more tolerant, connect us with others, teach us, allow us a different view of the world, sharpen our perception, but at the same time free us from all pressure and hatred. Encouraging the development of humor and satire is just one of the key features of this festival. Its second determinant is a lasting commitment to art, freedom of speech and the establishment of writers, with strong and resolute resistance to any form of censorship. Days of Satire have a significant contribution to the culture of the City of Zagreb because they bring the most prominent plays from Croatia and the region to the Zagreb audience, thus providing the audience with an insight into the very top of recent satirical theater production.

This year's Days of Satire for the first time in its history are held in a new term – from 12 to 26 September 2020, under adapted conditions to the "new normal time".

WOW, CROATS! Duration: 120 minutes with a break Crazy House, Zagreb Ivan Đuričić: Oh, Croats!

Cabaret Oh, Croats! follows the events of the Croatian past from the seventh century to a specific point in the future, but processed in a way that speaks more about us today than about the historical moments from which they were taken. Such play with history makes the audience laugh, but at the same time encourages reflection on where we are as a developing society, what we are and what we would like to be. The authors play with stereotypes to the end in content and form, so the audience in this cabaret gets everything that Croats "love" the most – music, refreshments in liquid form, beautiful members of the fairer sex and evoking the famous Croatian past where he meets the first Croats Muhla and Buga , Matija Gupca, Ivana pl. Zajc, Nikola Tesla, the first Croatian president and a number of well-known characters. Genre-colored music by Marija Mirković, rich costumes by Elvira Ulip, skillful and effective choreography by Ida Jolić and creative lighting design by Sandra Petrić complemented the text and direction by Ivan Đuričić in a drinkable and entertaining play that makes us laugh, but also shifts the perspective of everyday social topics. Croatian mentality as a whole. With crazy songs and everything else that a cabaret requires, embark on a journey from the seventh century to the distant future. Oh, Croats!

Oh, Croats! are shown 9/15/2020. at 8 p.m. Buy tickets HERE .

created by


Matina Tenžera

