The craziest children's New Year's party!

Kids zone


Author: Matina Tenžera

The location is Zagreb's Ice Park on Tomislavac, and the time is 11:30 – in the morning, of course

'Kišni razdraganci 2' is the sequel to the successful picture book and ten-song CD release from 2019 published by Dallas Records. The music of the creative author duo Ivanka Mazurkijević and Damir Martinović Mrleta was accompanied by a picture book written by Lana Letović Perčin, and the cheerful troupe of Rain Cheerleaders soon toured and cheered up little ones all over Croatia. The rain party continues, and the traveling party goes on because from today, 8.12. Rainy Cheerleaders 2 is also available on all streaming services!

'Celebrating my birthday', 'Sharena boja', 'Ljepljivi slječker', 'Ti si mi wow', 'Ipod bora', 'Ne laži' and 'Letim' are seven new songs available from today on all streaming services in digital form, and soon it will be on sale on a commemorative Ivanka & Mrle USB stick, in a package with 'Mrki Mrle' tickets in Rockmark.

The music is by Ivanka & Mrle, the lyrics are by Ivanka Mazurkijević, and the release was created with the help of producer Matej Zec, who also participated as a musician. In the song 'Letim', inspired by the Ukrainian children's song originally called 'Kapitoška', they hosted fellow musicians from Turist – Iva Močibob and Vlada Simcicha Vava. Parts of the text translated by Ana Dugandžić and Darija Pavlešen, the author of the original text by Natalija Guzejeva, were used as inspiration.

Listen to the rainy revelers and their traveling troupe live on December 31 at Trg kralja Tomislava in Ledeni park, starting at 11:30 a.m. Namely, Ivanka & Mrle are preparing a welcome party for the youngest! Children, let's see!