Artupuncture becomes a biennial event



Author: Matina Tenžera

This year, expect thirty art projects in a month's duration

For the third year in a row, the Artupuncture project promotes the work of artists from various fields and artistic collectives in order to achieve international recognition through synergy. The goal is to grow into a comprehensive social process where art provides new perspectives through its presence in public space and community life, city life and all aspects of its ecosystem. The third edition of Artupuncture starts on October 12 , and as many as 30 art projects will be presented at numerous locations in Zagreb.

Extracted from the program

This year, Artupunktura 2023 opens with the decoration and revival of Skyscraper Passage , in the very center of Zagreb – symbolically renaming it to Tomislav Gotovac Passage. Namely, Gotovac, as a pioneer of world performance, performed a series of actions, among others, the famous performance Zagreb, I love you!, therefore, this gesture would actualize the importance of the activity of art in public space, community and society, which is one of the significant identities of the city's contemporary art Zagreb.

Also, one of our most famous contemporary artists of world renown – Ivana Franke , who exhibited at the Biennale of Architecture in Venice, MOMA in New York, Venice (Peggy Guggenheim Collection), Berlin (Deutsche Guggenheim), will also present her work for the first time. Paris and New Delhi. Following the example of other major world manifestations in the field of art and culture, Artupunktura will begin to be held biennially.

Some of the projects are one-day or two-day, while some projects will be current for a longer period of time, including the month of November. One such project is Ivana Franka's art installation Resonance of the Unforeseen, which was included in the annual list of the best works of art in the public space of the world's leading art platform Artsy in 2020, when it was originally presented at the Yokohama Triennale. Franke set up an art installation on the facade of the Museum of Art in Yokohama, and this year, as part of Artupuncture, Zagreb also gets an exclusive version of that world-famous work that questions the limits of spatial and visual perception.

From October 12 to November 12, 2023 , Resonance of the Unforeseen, set around the music pavilion in Zrinjevac , will be a unique experience of contemporary art in a public space.