Ready for the last Advent weekend



Author: Matina Tenžera

We put together a proposal for the event

You have one more weekend to visit Advent in Zagreb. All Advent locations are open until January 7 except FOOLING AROUND on the terrace of the Esplanade Hotel. Now, just to encourage you with a proposal of events that you will be able to experience only this weekend.

Occasional exhibitions

shapes in chocolate

Until January 6, you can view the Shapes in Chocolate exhibition at the Chocolate Museum. That is, chocolate sculptures made by students of the School of Applied Arts. Try not to eat them.

Croatian collector Dagmar Meneghello is the proud owner of an incredible collection of paintings, sculptures and other works of art by modern Croatian artists, and this Advent she introduces visitors to her world at Krležina Gvozd . Friday and Saturday is the last chance to visit the home of this special art lover.

This year, the Hunting Museum participates in Advent for the first time. Although the exhibition is permanent, perhaps this is a great opportunity to finally visit it because the collection is impressive. We visited it and brought more details in the hope that it will be enough reason for you to head towards the Tuškanac forest sometime before January 7th .

Outdoor performance

living nursery

In the Opatovina park, the Cenacolo community performs the Living Nativity for the last time this Advent. In three sessions on January 6, enjoy about thirty minutes of a beautiful performance under the open sky!

Birthday celebration

Probably the two most famous birthday celebrations that take place during Advent are the anniversaries of the births of Frank Sinatra and Elvis Presley. Since we have already performed Sinatra in several locations, this Saturday we are also waiting for a danced tribute to the king of rock. One of the last bands that faithfully preserve the memory of (rock)abilly icons play in Johann Franck – Swingers led by Robert Mareković .

This will be a good good closing Advent weekend.