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PON-PET: 14-22
SUB: 11-22

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+385 1 6302115


Lauba is a unique hybrid space of coexistence of business activities of Lauba – houses for people and art and artistic activities of the association Lauba. In the entrance there is a cafe, a logical gathering place for both activities. She is alive from morning to evening, combining different forms of business, different lifestyles and work rhythms. So we called it the House of People and Art.  

What is Lauba, you wonder… A completely personal word for a completely personal space.

Lauba is the local name for a circular tree line used in Vrbovec, and probably derives from the German word "laub" which means leaves.

The circular tree-lined avenue with canopies that barely touch it has become a place of play as well as competition. Climb those canopies and conquer the whole of Lauba without touching the ground. It was a sacred goal. When they would subdue him, a new and impossible mission was set – to make the whole circle as fast as possible, with as few cuts as possible.

Lauba was and remains a term for initiation through play. Now Lauba is a place of experience, learning, fun and social interaction. Come let us tell you the story of contemporary art in our own way.

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Baruna Filipovića 23a

created by


Matina Tenžera

Tel: 0917361510
