Krleža's theater garden


The part of Tuškanac that has been named after the historic Gvozd mountain since 1928, went down in history after a unique married couple, Bela and Miroslav Krleža, a famous actress and literary great. In 1952, the couple moved from Kukovićeva ulica 23 (today Ulica Andrije Hebranga 23) to Gvozd 23, in a residential area of Zagreb. The apartment in Kukovićeva was spacious, but it was located in a place where heavy traffic and a few noisy craftsmen in the house, disturbed the peace of the tenants. The Krleža couple felt dissatisfied and thought of another solution. When Mrs. Elizabeth Rein found out, she offered Krleža's wife the White space on the first floor. At first, Krleža was not thrilled, but he bowed to Bela's wish, so the famous couple will spend the last three decades of their lives here.

The house on Iron met their expectations; wonderful view of the Upper Town and the bell tower of "Old Mark". They lived there away from the city noise, in Tuškanac Park. Gvozd becomes a poetic home, a native port, a beauty museum, a meeting place for writers, politicians and artists.

Krleža's theater garden

Krležin Gvozd 23

created by


Matina Tenžera

Tel: 0917361510
