Gallery of Croatian naive art

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If you ever find yourself in doubt when choosing a gift for a business partner, foreigner or guest, and you want to leave an impression and give something original, we are sure that your search will successfully end in the city center, halfway between Ban Jelačić Square and the Cathedral – in the Gallery of Croatian Naive Art. Many foreign and domestic buyers are frequent visitors to the Gallery precisely because of its size and collection, which, in addition to world-famous masters of naive art such as Josip Generalić, Mijo Kovačić and Ivan Lacković Croata, includes recent naive authors and works of art with motifs of Zagreb panoramas and streets. Let us mention that in the space of the Gallery of Croatian Naive Art there is also the largest Zagreb souvenir shop…

Gallery of Croatian naive art

Bakačeva 5

created by


Matina Tenžera

