Bistro Vještica

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PON-SUB: 12:00 - 20:00

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098 918 2747


Bistro Witch Why a witch?

In the Upper Town, where Purgers have been hanging out for centuries, catching witches, there is only one left that will take you through the food of old Zagreb cuisines to the adventure of ancient times at the table of nobles, purgers and witches.

A perfect blend of old and new

The feeling of nostalgia for old Zagreb dishes prompted us to put them on our menu and your palate. In order to bring purger dishes closer to the younger ones, the imagination took us to modern versions… but don't worry, we didn't overdo it.

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Bistro Vještica

Vranyczanyeva ul. 6

created by


Matina Tenžera

Tel: 0917361510
