This weekend we have a party at the firemen's house



Author: Matina Tenžera

It's a celebration of the French national holiday!

The French Institute in Croatia, in cooperation with the Public Fire Brigade in Zagreb, is organizing a traditional firemen's party for the first time.

Born in Montmartre, Paris, the firemen's party is a festive and popular tradition, organized in fire stations, open to the general public for the occasion, throughout France, in a festive and friendly spirit. A moment of togetherness, socializing and joy, the "Firemen's Party" is part of the celebration of the national holiday on July 14 , which commemorates the storming of the Bastille in 1789 and Federation Day in 1790, symbols of freedom, equality and fraternity.

Come and celebrate French-Croatian friendship with us in a warm and cheerful atmosphere, together with the Zagreb firefighters. This friendly event is open to everyone.

On the program: a bar with refreshments, an open stage, live music and a DJ set.