The new Zagreb museum is a fairy tale in the heart of the city

Author: Matina Tenžera

Both children and adults will enjoy it

The Museum of Forgotten Stories opened at Ilica 26 . An oasis of Croatian folk tales is located on the first floor. All that you could have heard from grandparents, elderly neighbors or simply read in some dusty books, is now available to you every day from 9 am until 10 pm .

Fairies, witches, watermen and ghosts

This enchanting museum will make both adults and children search for the wonderful little creatures that are hiding throughout the 200 square meters of museum space. Many of them will not be at home, so you will be able to peek into their homes at your leisure. Of course, if you can find them!

museum of forgotten stories

The creator of this story is the seasoned illustrator, artist and director Zdenko Bašić . You could see what the world inside his head looks like when it materializes in recent years in the Turopolje region at Perunfest , where Bašić is the artistic director. And watch out for this – the full name of Perunfest is the festival of forgotten stories and folk tales! The good news is that you can visit the new edition of this truly unique – not a festival, but an experience – again on September 28 and 29 . And before and after that, take your loved ones, young and old, to the Museum of Forgotten Stories.

museum of forgotten stories of the streets

Now – in the Museum of Forgotten Stories, stories are key. Hundreds of them hanging on the walls. Which will explain to you how and why summer occurs, why Babaroga is Babaroga, what flowers symbolize, but also how to recognize who Death came for. All of them are short and attractive stories that are read quickly, but also make you repeat the material. Namely, there is a high probability that once you enter this museum space, you will visit it several times, re-examining the stories and exhibits that you have already passed.

museum of forgotten stories visit

And fairies have their own rules

Please note that this Museum is not interactive. Although each exhibit looks like a toy that simply invites you to squeeze it, turn it, take it out and walk around, this is not allowed. The authors of the museum's lineup won't blame you, and they don't. You will offend the fairies and their rules of conduct .