DriveINkino Zagreb brings films to the big screen in Prisavlje
Author: Matina Tenžera
A new edition of the pioneers of watching movies from the comfort of the armchair of your car, DriveINkino Zagreb invites you to a new round of movies on Prisavlje near the legendary "Kockica"
DriveINkino Zagreb. Sounds familiar? Yes, but you don’t know exactly what it’s all about when we came across several similar projects in different city locations last year.
However, the DriveINkina Zagreb team still remains a pioneering group that was the first to watch their favorite movies from the comfort of your car seats.
DriveINkino again did not disappoint with the program
In April, they offered four films of which two titles hide like snake legs. Still, they went public with two films:
The movies start at 9 pm, and you know the location – Prisavlje near the legendary "Kockica"!