Experience the Star Summer in Karlovac



Author: Matina Tenžera

The event begins on June 23 at 7 p.m. with a performance by the talented young singer Martin Kosovac and the lighting of the Midsummer bonfire on the banks of the Kupa

In the Edison Cinema in Karlovac, a rich program of the three-week Star Summer event, which celebrates the birthday of the city of Karlovac, was presented. The Star Summer begins on June 23 at 7:00 p.m. with the opening ceremony in front of the City Theater Zorin dom and the performance of the talented young singer Martin Kosovac , and with the lighting of the midsummer bonfire on the banks of the Kupa later that evening.

"When we decided to call the events related to the City Day in 2019 under the common name Star Summer, we expected and hoped that this signature of Karlovac would surface and become a manifestation by which Karlovac would be recognized even beyond the city. Five years later, it seems we really succeeded. I thank everyone who is part of Star Summer. I believe that it is extremely important that the foundation of the manifestation is the local strength, Karlovac creatives and enthusiasts who create an ever better program year after year, which is recognized and visited by numerous visitors from outside Karlovac. You can be proud of the last Star Summer, this one, and every one to come. It adds value to the promotion of the city," said Mayor Damir Mandić.

The program is available on the official website of the event zvjezdanoljeto.karlovac.hr, and below is an overview of the event.


The stellar summer is full of musical performances and concerts as well as musical workshops for children. There is also the 11th Croatian Flute Academy, with eminent mentors and participants from all over the world. Professors and participants will once again hold a festive concert this year. As part of the Starry Summer, the Ćušpajz musical educational festival will be held, and everyone is especially looking forward to the Karlovac Open Air Tribute Festival, which will bring some of the world's best tribute bands this year as well. The concerts of this festival pay tribute to the musicians who marked the 20th century. This year, the Beatles, U2 and Elvis Presley will be celebrated, and you can find the exact schedule via the link.

Performances and guest appearances

"The Karlovac Theater Festival, along with the Karlovac artists, will also host the Osijek HNK, Ivan pl. Zajc from Rijeka, Kunst theater, Boss theater, Kerekesh theater and Gala theater with selected plays, and will also offer several great concerts," announced Milivoj Juras, director of the City Theater Zorin dom. The International Folklore Festival has been bringing tradition and culture from different countries and parts of the world to Karlovac for 25 years. "This year, companies from Panama, Easter Island (Chile), India, Peru, Moldova and Slovakia are guests, and in addition to dance, song and traditional costumes, they will also bring a touch of their local cuisine to the Flavors of the World festival," said Željko Štajcer, president Karlovac International Folklore Festival.

There is also the Karlovac dance festival, which will offer attractive dance performances where visitors will enjoy superb performances. The Jewish community will show its traditional culture through exhibitions, concerts and meetings as part of the Jewish Heritage Days festival.

Street art

Summer is the time for outdoor meetings and events, and Zvjezdano ljeto abounds with them: ArtiKa, PARKING, StretArt gallery are just some of the festivals that will fill Karlovac's streets and squares with workshops, performances, exhibitions, light and music. Participants will have the opportunity to learn something new and have a lot of fun at the same time, maybe even in front of their own home.

Sports competitions

During the Star Summer, Karlovac sports fields will host a large number of events. In addition to football matches, visitors will be able to try their hand at less common sports such as fencing and baseball. Cycling enthusiasts can sign up for the "Karlovačka 4 Rivers" cycling race, and those who like lawn tennis will enjoy the "Wimbeldon in Karlovac" tournament. There will also be a Karlovac city cup in hunting archery, a sports recreation festival, a rowing regatta and a chess tournament. And something equally important, as part of the Star Summer, Kino Edison organizes a joint viewing of the matches of the Croatian national team at the European Football Championship.

Programs of an entertaining and educational nature

Star summer also includes numerous thematic tourist tours, as well as pub quizzes. The Ivan Goran Kovačić City Library will be especially lively with various workshops and reading rooms for the youngest. New in town is the TESLAthon, a two-day ball of science and creativity at the Nikola Tesla Experience Center in Karlovac.

Birthday ball

City Day is celebrated on July 13, and along with the traditional ball, it marks the peak of Star Summer. This year it will be especially marked by a big concert by our musical diva Doris Dragović, whose hits are well known by all generations. "I invite all our citizens, as well as guests of the city, to register now to participate in the traditional ball that will mark the 445…