These are the four new locations of this year's Yards



Author: Matina Tenžera

Ten hidden courtyards with 80 live concerts

The media conference, held in the atrium of the Tituš Brezovacki High School, announced this year's Dvorište manifestation, which will take place from July 12 to 23 . The event is open every day from 18:00 to 24:00 , and the daily programs will be published a few days in advance.

"10 courtyards in 10 years" is one of the main messages that characterized this presentation, and four new courtyards were discovered that visitors will be able to visit during the 12 days of the event.

One of them is the small and intimate courtyard of the newly opened Oto Reisinger Caricature House at Radićeva 44a ; then there is the peculiar and charming courtyard of the Oršić Palace – Marija Jambrišak's Student Dormitory at Opatička 14 ; followed by the also new, colorful and interesting courtyard of the Tituš Brezovacki High School with an entrance from Jezuitski square , and the spectacular courtyard of the Magdalenić-Drašković-Jelačić Palace at Demetrova 7-9 joins the Courtyard program.

In addition to the new courtyards, there are two more courtyards of the Croatian Institute of History (Opatička 10 and the entrance from Radićeva Street), the atrium of the Tituš Brezovacki Gymnasium (in which an exhibition will be set up on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Courtyard) and the well-known locations of the Archaeological Garden, the Observatory and the atrium Museum of the City of Zagreb.

80 live music programs await you in ten Gornji Grad courtyards. When we add to everything the exhibition on the occasion of 10 years, which will be set up in the atrium of the Tituš Brezovacki High School, we are talking about a truly rich program that awaits us from July 12 to 23 in Dvorište.

The courtyards are once again becoming the center of fun, socializing, discovery and live music performances. Therefore, do not miss to join the large crowd that will open the doors of the Upper Town palaces and peek into their hidden courtyards, because many surprises await you there! Yards are – for everything from "7 to 77", and actually "from 0 to 100" – as before free!