Become a Roman for three days



Author: Matina Tenžera

The place is Varaždinske Toplice, and the date is from June 7 to 9

Where to spend the weekend? Are you a nature lover, are you attracted to cultural events and a return to the past? We have just described only part of the program, which will be held from June 7 to 9 in Varaždinske Toplice . TZ Varaždinske Toplice and the Local Museum of Varaždinske Toplice, with the support of the City of Varaždinske Toplice, organize a three-day event, Aquafest, in a Roman atmosphere, just as it used to be. The three-day event begins with an expert meeting on Friday morning, where a large cycle of investments in continental spas in Croatia will be presented, which will enrich the wellness and spa offer. Entrance to the meeting is free, and the event is open to the public.

First day

The afternoon is reserved for children's workshops from 4 to 7 p.m. The archaeological site, i.e. the former baths, is an ideal open-air stage, because due to its excellent preservation, it attracts the attention of archaeologists and historians as well as visitors, and expert guides will tell visitors more about ancient times during a free guided tour, from 6 to 7 p.m. The evening program, covered in stars, begins at 9 p.m. with a torchlight procession of Roman legionnaires. After the battles of the legionnaires, there will be a vivid scene of the sacrifice to the goddess Dijana Luna, which will be performed by beautiful nymphs, while the Traumatic Arts Show will round off this dynamic day with dance on silk and soft music.

Second day

Saturday morning from 10:30 brings the already traditional procession of Romans and nymphs, who will show off their costumes during a walk to the ancient site. There they will offer libations and burnt offerings to the gods with a display of legions. At the same time, the "Roman cauldrons" start cooking, to which the intoxicating aromas will take you, and the children will choose one of the many ancient workshops. The afternoon will also be dedicated to the smallest, who will become "little Romans", making antique mosaics and antique dolls and watching two beautiful plays. The boys will cross their swords around 4 pm at the gladiatorial school. And if you want to learn more about the Varaždin Spa, join the free sightseeing from 3 or 6 p.m.

Around 19.30 watch the dramatic attempt to take over the power of the Emperor, Centurions and Praetorians, and who will come out on top? Come see it live. After the early evening gladiatorial show, a concert will follow on a magical stage next to ancient temples and a spring pool. Musician Zvjezdan Ružić, winner of 6 Status awards for the best jazz pianist and 5 Porina awards, will present his new project: Let's disconnect together, and the Traumatic ARTS group will take care of the light spectacle after the concert with a fire show.

Third day

Sunday is reserved for activities in the fresh air – the Roman Legionnaire Routes race 3. Aquae Iassae trail. The race is held in three sections, the first section CENTURY is 4 km and is not particularly demanding, and is also suitable for families, the second section COHORT is 9.8 km, and the longest LEGIJA is 20.8 km, and you still have time to register .