Archived: You don’t need a sculpted body for these sports!


We believe that after a year like this, it is painful for everyone to even mention some perfect body proportions. A sculpted and ready body for all summer and post-summer joys? Maybe next year. But the good news is that we will always have some sports that don’t care at all how you look, but just how well you know how to have fun in society.

Let's hear it – who among you hasn't experienced bowling yet?

And now this – who among you doesn’t know what squash is?

We share a bit of both:

2 hours of free bowling in the term of your choice for An hour of squash with a coach plus 2 hours of free court with rackets

In the comments on social networks, write us which sports recreation interests you more – squash or bowling and who is this friend who ZIHER does not know what squash is. During Wednesday, September 2, you will find out which team will soon become sports.

By participating, you agree to have your information made public.

created by


Matina Tenžera

