Avenue Mall

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PON-SUB: 9:00-22:00
NED: 10:00-21:00

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01/6527 645


Avenue Mall is a popular social and shopping destination in the heart of New Zagreb in an attractive and easily accessible location with more than 100 popular shops.

The rich content of Avenue Mall includes the Cinestar Blitz Multiplex Cinema , which offers a diverse film program every day in which you will always find something to your liking. There are also three hours of free parking and chargers for your electric vehicles. In addition, the attractive cafes and restaurants, Food Palace , are an ideal place to socialize, enjoy food or just take a break.

Since its opening in August 2007, Avenue Mall has been a favorite and recognizable place for meeting, shopping and entertainment, not only for the residents of New Zagreb, but also for the whole of Zagreb and its surroundings.

Just everything you need for a good and simple life in one place.

Avenue Mall

Avenija Dubrovnik 16

created by


Matina Tenžera


E-mail: info@divan.hr