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Dokukino Pri Nami

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03.07.2024 / 21:30

July 03, 2024 21:30:00 Europe/Zagreb Dokukino Pri Nami Mallinova 27 Kuća Šenoa


Dokukino se seli na novu ljetnu lokaciju u najljepše skriveno dvorište u centru grada Zagreba, Pri Nami!

Od 26. lipnja pa sve do 4. rujna u dvorištu Pri Nami na adresi Zakmardijeve stube 4 očekuju vas besplatne projekcije dokumentarnih filmova iz Restartove distribucije i KineDok kataloga koje je pažljivo odabrala Restartova ekipa.

Provedite ljetne večeri uz glazbene, biografske i društveno aktualne dokumentarne filmove u ugodnom, skrivenom ambijentu centra grada.
Projekcije počinju u 21:30. Svi filmovi imaju engleske podnaslove.

Dokukino is moving to a new summer location in the most beautiful hidden courtyard in the center of Zagreb, Pri Nami!
From June 26th until September 4th, free screenings of documentaries from Restart’s distribution and KineDok catalog, carefully selected by Restart’s team, await you in the Pri Nami courtyard at Zakmardijeve stube 4.

Spend summer evenings with musical, biographical and socially relevant documentaries in a cosy, secret backyard in the city center.
The screenings are starting at 21:30. All films have English subtitles.

26.6. – Uski put do sreće / Narrow Path to Happiness

3.7. – Joan Baez: Ja sam glasna / Joan Baez: I Am a Noise

10.7. – Nevjeste / Honeymoons

17.7. – Ljubav, smrt i njemačke marke / Love, Deutchmarks and Death

24.7. – Helmut Newton: Perverzija i ljepota / Helmut Newton: The Bad and the Beautiful

31.7. – 66 sezona / 66 seasons

7.8. – Miucha: Glas bossa nove / Miucha: The Voice of Bosa Nova

14.8. – Voljeti Patriciju Highsmith / Loving Highsmith

21.8. – Svijet po mjeri mog tate / The World According to My Dad

28.8. – Između revolucija / Between revolutions

4.9. – Snajka: Dnevnik očekivanja / Snajka: Diary of Expectations



Matina Tenžera

Tel: 0917361510
