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PON-SUB: 12:00 - 23:00 / SUB: 12:00 - 17:00

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A new concept of Zagreb's favorite restaurant

Due to the current global pandemic, the challenging economic situation and the entrepreneurial climate, as well as the general bad mood, we are extremely pleased with every novelty and positive change in the city in which we live. Although Zagreb's restaurant offer is of high quality, Zagreb has always lacked a good and quality offer of wild fish. As every smart caterer at this time is thinking about how to adapt to the current unusual and uncertain times in which we live, so the Maredo restaurant has decided to change its concept.

The leaders of the Zagreb restaurant with a long tradition of grilling, known for family celebrations such as baptisms and communions and merry nightlife even before the pandemic, thought that they would like to raise their offer to a higher level and turn to something more interesting and challenging gastronomic offer.

Considering that within the business of the restaurant group, which includes Maredo, came the direct purchase of wild fish, fishermen and hides from the Zadar archipelago, and that the role of kitchen consultant was taken over by renowned chef Mario Mihelj, who has been running the kitchen of one of the of the most successful domestic modern restaurants El Tora which is part of the same group, his proposal was not to move too far from the basic Maredo concept, but to upgrade it with a new offer, in this case with fish and the old barbecue offer to raise the bar. As the nightlife does not currently exist, the logical sequence was for Maredo to become a place for a quality lunch, be it a business or family lunch.

Since this is its own purchase of fresh and wild fish, Maredo has daily guaranteed daily quantities of the freshest and highest quality white fish, first and second class such as blacksmith, grouper, dentex, cod, gilthead sea bream, kaval and sea bass. As chef Mihelj says, it is quite simple for me for now, cooking is more traditional in order for the food to come to the fore, but also in order to offer the local guests the lunch they like the most.

“Every chef always strives for the cleanest and most original food possible. When direct redemption as a source of fish came into our business I felt like I got on the lot, just in the fish. Every morning I wait with impatience and joy for what will arrive and then we devise what will be cooked that day as a daily dish. Namely, some dishes are permanent on the menu, and some are daily. As a food, fish is very grateful, but one must have knowledge of what fish to work with and how to process it, ”said chef Mihelj.

The fish can be ordered grilled, boiled or grilled. Eel, murine, grouper and grouper broth can also be prepared to order in advance. Of course, there are octopuses, cuttlefish and squid, which are just starting the season, so the menu also includes a classic octopus for salad, squid risotto or grilled squid. As a traditional crunchy appetizer, there is, for example, Fritto, a place made of small fish. All in all, the fish menu in Mared is, although traditional, varied and interesting, and they announce that depending on the season, certain fish will change. We have no choice but to go to a nice fish lunch, and we would recommend the same to you because a good fish and a glass of wine are a guarantee for a good day.

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Florijana Andrešeca 14

created by


Matina Tenžera

