Archived: Women on the Run


Women on the Run

Ženy v běhu, feature film, romantic comedy, Czech Republic, 2019

DIRECTED BY: Martin Horský


Middle-aged Vera had a beautiful and fulfilling life with her husband Jindrich, until he died suddenly of a heart attack. After her husband’s funeral, Vera decides to fulfill his last wish at any cost and run a marathon. Although she is a strong, energetic and emancipated woman, as well as the mother of three daughters she raised with Jindrich, she believes that never running a marathon will not be a particular problem for her. But when he soon begins to realize that running a marathon is a special challenge that he cannot accomplish on his own, he and his daughters Marcela, Bár and Kačka come up with the idea of how they can get there together. Namely, the girls will divide the 42-kilometer marathon into four parts, and as a family relay team, they will each run one stage of the race. However, the fact that none of them have ever run a hundred meters will start to be a problem for them.

In 2020, at the award ceremony of the most popular Czech film award, the Czech Lion nominated for the Audience Award, the romantic comedy by screenwriter and director Martin Horskóg is his debut directorial project. After gaining ten years of film experience as an actor (Milan Cieslar’s Love is Love, a humorous hit TV series On the Water) and a screenwriter (Milan Cieslar’s Life is Life, Tomáš Hoffman’s Stuck With a Perfect Woman), Horský the debut chose an unpretentious, casual and witty story that abounds in empathic humor and fun altruistic exploitation of typical human flaws and some virtues. Following the spirit of popular Czech comedies, Horský skillfully combines themes of family life and relationships with romantic themes, relying on relatively inventive play with stereotypes and available interpretations of the entire cast. It is led by the popular Czech predominantly TV actress Zlata Adamovská, and her partners are the striking Ondrej Vetchý (David Hugh Jones’ Trial, Revenge is My Lordan Zafranović, Kolja Jan Sverák) and Martin Hoffman (Terry Gilliam’s Brothers Grimm, The Zooki´ro Wife ). Of course, clichés and tendencies towards kitsch cannot be avoided, but the author compensates for them with convincing, sparkling and lively dialogues and sufficiently energetic directing.

COLOR, 93 ′

27th Czech Film Week

The program was implemented in cooperation with the Embassy of the Czech Republic in Zagreb.

All films have Croatian subtitles.

Ticket price 20 kuna, for members 10 kuna.

Due to compliance with the new preventive measures and avoiding multiple cinema entries, tickets can no longer be purchased in advance, but only on the day of the screening.

When entering the cinema, it is mandatory to wear a mask, visitors’ temperature is measured, and before buying tickets it is necessary to leave your personal data (we collect them only due to the epidemiological situation, respecting the GDPR rules).

created by


Matina Tenžera

Tel: 0917361510
