Archived: Presidents



Civic apartment. Dinner for 5 distinguished guests. The invitation was given to the "ex" – at the invitation of the "ex"!

The President is an extremely current and sharp comedy based on the text by Boris Svrtan and Tarik Filipović, and directed by the latter's youth veteran Kerempuh. The President and Presidents gathered at the dinner offer viewers more or less nutritionally harmonized and rich flavors, an ideal ratio between sweet, bitter, spicy and sour, and we warmly recommend it to viewers tormented by insatiable hunger, as well as those who are full of everything. And it won’t get hard on your stomach, and even if it does, keep in mind that heads of state are tough guys, even when they’re girls so longer chewing is implied.

At the same time, the combination of intriguing, even contradictory and dramatically potent statesmen opens personal questions that we often ask ourselves in front of small screens and daily newspapers. Do we believe in a better tomorrow or is it more accurate to say – "a little tomorrow"? Can former Croatian presidents, alive or "the others" save our country? The more cynical will say that they can't help the future, much less the former. Can they, in spite of different political aspirations, unite towards one common goal? So can those who are part of the past help us weave a better future? Although these are questions to which we have no answers, the theater opens up space for our imagination filled with bitter and cynical notes, just the kind that abound in this impossible presidential dinner.

The satirical element of the President emphasizes the many absurdities of our society, reminds us of the past and the present, and warns of an uncertain future. But one thing is certain – if you have ever wished to show your teeth to any of our chiefs, do so in Kerempuh with a sincere laugh and a wide smile.

created by


Matina Tenžera

Tel: 0917361510
