Archived: Croatian Film Days

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16.09.2020 / 19:00 - 19.09.2020 / 22:00


29th Days of Croatian Film

The Days of Croatian Film are traditionally considered the review of the best new domestic short and medium-length feature, documentary, experimental, animated and special-purpose films, which since 1992 offers insight into the quality and diversity of our cinematography at all levels – the first professional and student works. and on that of established stars. In recent years, however, DHF is no longer just one of the earliest starting points of the thriving Croatian film festival scene, but also a dynamic celebration of the seventh art of distinct relevance. Given the recent genre and gender richness of Croatian short film, which is no longer just a demonstration site for future directors, but an independent art form crowned with a number of internationally relevant awards, its presentation at DHF becomes one of the key points of inspiration and direction of development of domestic cinematography.

Due to this wealth for selection in the competition program and the possibility of competing for the prestigious Octavian Awards becomes a necessary and careful selection. DHF today, with a look at film heritage in retrospective programs, cinemas of other countries in thematic units, with exhibitions, round tables, masterclasses, workshops and promotions key to preserving the film and film criticism profession and film professionalism, as well as cultural and entertainment content, represents primarily the film avant-garde in a broader sense – the present and future of Croatian film in a relaxed framework of summer socializing, watching and talking that attracts all generations.

The 29th Days of Croatian Film will be held from 16 to 19 September 2020 in Kino Tuškanac. Admission is free.

created by


Matina Tenžera

Tel: 0917361510
