Archived: Damir Mataušić: Critical Retrospective, 1974 – 2020


DAMIR MATAUŠIĆ, CRITICAL RETROSPECTIVE, 1974 – 2020 September 15 – October 25, 2020

DAMIR MATAUŠIĆ is an artist with more than four decades of sculptural work of specific expression and defined artistic poetics successfully applied in several Cypriot disciplines: from medals, coins, ceremonial chains and honors to small sculptures, reliefs and public monuments; from intimate, official, to public and sacral sculptural achievements of deep perception with exceptional dedication in the realization of the work. A feature of Mataušić's work is the use of several types of materials in which polished metals performed by technical precision in inventive compositions dominate. The value of his work synthesizes historical and cultural heritage without depriving artistic creativity of its dignity. Mataušić's subtle personality equally anticipates complex contemporary artistic challenges, and the result is a distinctive sculptural opus with an established status in contemporary Croatian fine art.

Damir Mataušić's Little and Big World was presented at a critical retrospective. From the Meadow to the Clouds and the Sky, from the ludic to the spiritual world of this versatile sculptor and medalist. By combining seemingly incompatible materials, techniques, artistic solutions and motifs, he inspires to expand the possibilities of plastic expression.

The exhibition presents 200 works created from 1974 to 2020 and is a cross-section of the huge sculptural opus of Damir Mataušić of over 700 works. Monumental sculptural works marked the latest decade of the artist's creation in which he sublimated his original medal and sculptural poetics and sovereignly stepped from the chamber world of medal making and small sculpture into the public and sacral space.

Author of the exhibition and catalog

Tatijana Gareljić

Working hours:

from Tuesday to Friday from 11 am to 7 pm on weekends from 11 am to 2 pm on Mondays and public holidays closed

created by


Matina Tenžera

Tel: 0917361510
